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    A Great Night Out at Waterworld

    Saturday, 13th April saw British Naturism return to one of its most popular swimming venues, Waterworld in Stoke.  Naturists have been visiting Waterworld for over 20 years, and it is easy to see why. Waterworld is one of the best water parks in the UK and are always fantastic hosts. The staff are friendly and the café open for when people need a brief break from the many, exciting slides.

    It is a sign of how naturism in the UK is growing right now, that this weekend welcomed the largest number of members that the event has seen in quite a number of visits. It was particularly pleasing to see so many new members, many of them young couples, who are discovering that naturism can provide a break from the humdrum of everyday life.

    One young woman, Hannah, having recently joined with her husband, commented that they were looking for a new distraction that they could enjoy together.  Their first experience at Waterworld was so positive that they are already looking at what other British Naturism events are coming up over the summer so they can become more involved.

    Meanwhile Mary, having been introduced to Naturism by her daughter, explained that their family had never been particularly concerned about nudity growing up. Mary credited this open approach as being responsible for the confidence that her own children had achieved and their success now that they are themselves adults. She observed that the naturist environment promotes a level of respectful conversation that many people are missing from their lives and would encourage people to try it.

    With summer ahead of us, now is definitely the time to look at trying a naturist event.  Afterwards, you will probably wonder why you have not always been doing it.

    Mark Bass


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