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    A Fabulous Great British Skinny Dip by Chance!

    Isn’t it strange how random events can sometimes lead to amazing things? Serendipity was definitely behind the new Great British Skinny Dip (GBSD)  on Sunday, 7 April, at Withington Baths in Manchester.

    Here’s how it came about: BN member Peter signed up for a paddle board-yoga class (no, me either) at the baths. While sitting in the café, he mentioned to a woman staff member that the pool would be a good place for a Naturist swim. She was enthusiastic. Sometime later, Peter ran into BN GBSD/NHW Team Leader Ron O’Hare in the sauna at the Worsley swim in Manchester. Peter mentioned the Baths. Ron checked it out. Sure enough, the management was all in favour of a GBSD to raise money for the British Heart Foundation and, more than that, welcomed the idea of holding a Naturist event as a way to boost its diversity, equity and inclusion credentials.

    The rest is history! My partner Dave and I turned up to the beautiful Edwardian building, which opened to swimmers in 1913. It’s so old that it has stone steps leading into the pool, and bronze handrails along the side of the pool walls. The pool area was toasty, the water was warm, the sauna was hot.

    Around 40 people showed up, an encouraging number for a first-time dip. Among these were seven or eight women, also a good sign. There were a few swimmers, but most of us formed chatty clusters – one of my favourite things about Naturist events. And the dip raised £200 for the British Heart Foundation!

    Withington Baths is keen to hold more skinny dips, and is considering quarterly events this year, says Ron. He was particularly impressed by the friendliness and helpfulness of the staff, who admitted people before the official start time and kept the café open – with no clothes needed - when the swim ended.

    I’m thrilled to see a new swimming hole come online, especially one that’s relatively near me. To all you Naturists Up North: Let’s support this and the many other GBSDs in our area. And let’s not forget how a chance remark can lead to a new venue and – just maybe - new nudie friends.


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