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BN 214 Winter 2017

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Welcome to another fun and feature filled edition of BN Magazine, which will be dropping onto your doormats soon, and is available for download by members. It is packed full all the news and views from the world of British Naturism, the national organisation representing Naturists and Naturism in the UK.  Of course, this is the issue where we look back and reflect upon a summer season well spent, but it's also an upbeat forward look to what promises to be another spectacular year in 2018.

In this issue then, you will find the following treats, and much more besides:

  • Naturism, as we know, is the perfect antidote to body image concerns.  We're more used to hearing about the pressures on younger women - but what about men?  We find out more.
  • Women in Naturism - Pat tells us how she went from fearful outsider to passionate advocate
  • Are you one of the many who would love to be more open about your Naturism, but isn't sure how to broach the subject?  Our guide to talking about Naturism, along with an overview of our 'Just One Person' campaign, will help you to 'cross the line' and become a confident advocate of Naturism.
  • Our usual event reports section looks back at some recent highlights - including the now well-established 'Streak for Tigers' event at London Zoo.
  • Talking of events, we unveil the full events and group holidays programme for 2018 - and though we say so ourselves, it's looking good!
  • A report on the BN Naturist Vision Day in Birmingham, where a number of inspiring presentations really helped us to think about Naturism from other perspectives.
  • We report on the launch of Amelia Allen's fabulous book 'Naked Britain' - surely one of the finest portrayals of our way of life ever pubished.
  • YBN - resurgent, reinvigorated and very much active!  We catch up with them to find out what's going on.
  • The Great British Skinny Dip - they came, they stripped, they dipped!  But how did this year's event go, free of the ever present TV cameras that were with us last year?  We find out, and also look at some possibilities for taking this flagship campaign forward.
  • Holidays?  Yes please!  This issue we visit France to discover some new places - and some old favourites.

All this, plus the usual updates from our legal and campaigns teams, a roundup of all the best naked news in the media! 

BN Magazine is available to members only and issued four times a year as part of the annual subscription. If you are not a member, you can join us  and get your own copy and other benefits as well.

If you want to find articles that have appeared in other recent issues click the link for the On-line Magazine Index.

What's New in Version 31/03/18 17:52


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