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BN210 Winter 2016 1.0.0

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About This File

The roar of the presses and the smell of ink can only mean one thing - yes, BN210 is out now! As ever it's a great read that captures all that makes Naturism special.  From the smiling faces on the cover, right through to the back pages, it's packed full of news, reviews and articles of interest.  Some of this issue's highlights (and there really are lots!) are:

  • Full reports from a summer of great events - we've got Nudefest, Bare all for Polar Bears and Party in the Stark, among several others.
  • The Great British Skinny Dip - we've got an exciting round up of this major initiative.
  • In another BN first, we presented at the British Psychological Society's annual symposium. Find out what this academic and professional audience thought!
  • Regular columnist Roni describes the Naturist Scale - where are you on it?
  • Three women tell us about their journey into Naturism.
  • We find out why Naturism is great for helping with stress.
  • Two couples tell us of their artistic escapades as part of Spencer Tunick's 'Sea of Hull' project.
  • A campaigning up date - and why Naturists should be proud and reach out.
  • Travel - we explore France - from big resorts to small independent sites.

There's also news updates, club reports and much, much more!

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