BN Magazine
All BN magazines since Autumn 2004, in downloadable PDF format
If you want to find articles that have appeared in other recent issues click the link for the On-line BN Magazine Index.
84 files
BN 219 Spring 2019
By Guest
BN 219 - our Spring magazine
Welcome to BN219! The first edition of the year and – wait a minute! Something’s different. The magazine looks super slick! That’s right, we’ve given the pages a makeover and, as (we hope) you’ll see, they look much better.
It’s a new look for a new year*.
*Definitely something to let your non-subscribing friends know about…
Highlights of this spruced-up Spring edition of the BN Magazine include:
A packed news section including - Beating Brexit Blues by making a stand…in the nude; We all know it, but just in case you don’t: GBSD is racing towards a new date; Illustrated reports of events including Nudefest and Alton Towers Say it Loud, Say it Clear – an update on the BN Strategy; Women in Naturism – Mel discovers a whole new world; An update from with a rebrand for Young British Naturism Club Birthdays: Getting older but ever-young at heart; The joys of volunteering; Event Roundup: BN’s gatherings discussed - and there’s loads of them! The rewards of working together; Living a life of leisure: focus on Spain ...and much, much more besides, all richly illustrated in full colour!
BN 218 Winter 2018
By Guest
BN218 - Your Winter Magazine
Welcome to BN218: the feature-tastic final publication of a year that will go down in BN history as one of the biggest and best yet. Highlights of this winter edition of the BN Magazine include:
A whole host of fantastic features ranging from Sue’s thoughts on becoming a Naturist; notes on a big year for BN and The Great British Skinny Dip; and Eastbourne’s many Naturist activities. From Skinny Dipping to Swimming Galas: Team BN bring home their biggest medal haul yet! Looking to the future: the shape of BN to come. The YBN resurgence continues: Pam’s first year with YBN and Ed’s Naked Mileage. Another step in the right direction: legal success in Scotland. Full Event Report Roundup including the BN National Convention, Women’s Day and Windermere Woodland Weekend. Big Days Out: take a look at our new-look BN Events website! Our members’ very unique experiences of holidaying throughout France, from Rekha and Stephen’s experience of riding around France on a tandem bicycle to Luke’s guide to Beaches on the Cote d’Azur. ...and much, much more besides, all richly illustrated in full colour!
BN Magazine is available to members only and issued four times a year as part of the annual subscription. If you are not a member, you can join us and get your own copy through the post and as a download and other benefits as well.
BN 217 Autumn 2018
By Guest
Welcome to BN 217 - reflecting back on a quite incredible season , and packed full of the latest news, views and reviews from the world of Naturism and BN. Included in this feature packed edition, we have:
Great features including newcomer Lili, giving us her experiences and thoughts on Naturism and body image; Taylor competing in his first naked 5K; and a comprehensive list of the many benefits of Naturism Our usual round up of event reviews, including the new NKD Festival, Nudestock, The BN National Petanque competition, the SW Rally, and much, much more besides, including naked dinner in a Pullman carriage! It's a heatwave - hold the front page, people are getting naked! How the media have got themselves in a lather during the recent hot weather. GBSD is imminent - hear the latest updates. The latest update on our big BN campaigns - including 'Just One Person' and the benefits of Naturism. More on our events calendar and Big Days Out. Check out the benefits of the BN Holiday Advice Service, which can help you make that dream holiday a possibility. Reports of recent member holidays - one of the most popular benefits of BN membership. Holidays - this issue we're tackling northern Europe, and some rather fine long haul beaches - fabulous! All the latest news from BN itself, including the EC. ...and much, much more besides, all richly illustrated in full colour!
BN Magazine is available to members only and issued four times a year as part of the annual subscription. If you are not a member, you can join us and get your own copy and other benefits as well.
BN 216 Summer 2018
By Guest
BN 216 Our Members' Magazine for Summer 2018
As always it's a great read, full of news, views and reviews, all brought to life with full colour throughout. In this issue we're covering:
Get fit, get naked - we take a look at the many different opportunities there are to keep fit - from cycling to Yoga to Tai-Chi, there's a whole new world out there!
A review of our Bournemouth and Blackpool weekends
Naturism in Northern Ireland - getting busier…
Naked Dining - Bristol organiser Will tells us how his venture came about - and it may just whet your appetite for some of the other similar ventures that are happening this year!
Naked Theatre - we review the recent production of Skin Deep that was clothing-optional for the audience
Naturism and veganism - is there a correlation? Jane discusses.
Looking for holiday ideas? Check out our reviews of recent group holidays to El Portus, and our Austrian ski-ing trip - as well as member reviews from Portugal, Croatia, Kos and Montenegro.
Judith Stinchcombe looks back over her time as BN Chair, and remembers some of the highlights of her time.
Comprehensive listings of clubs, swims and events
…and much more besides
BN 215 Spring 2018
By Guest
Welcome to BN 215 - fresh from the presses, and full of Naturist news, views and reviews! With spring round the corner, this issue not only looks back over recent events, but looks forward to the season ahead, and some of the big BN initiatives we are developing this year. In this issue:
We catch up on event reports, including Alton Towers 2017, the clothing optional performance of Hair! in London and the experience of competing for Team GB at the INF Swimming Gala in Italy. We look forward to the packed 2018 events programme, including Nudefest and our new flagship event - the NKD Festival, specially created for families and younger Naturists. The Women in Naturism campaign continues and, to set the scene, we hear from Naturist Cassandra, who tells us about her journey into Naturism, and the people she has introduced to it. Look out for Ladies Day on the 24th June! Could the emphasis on Naturist breaks abroad be detrimental to Naturist clubs here at home? Maybe though, it's the clubs themselves that are responsible? Roni Writes on debates this hot topic. Health, wellbeing and body positivity - it’s a big part of what we get from Naturism. But do the public know? This year BN launches a new campaign to emphasise what we Naturists already know to be true. YBN update us on their recent activities, and they're having fun - lots of fun! Fancy a Naturist holiday in the sun? Of course you do! This issue we head off to Spain and Fuerteventura to find out more about some very fine vacation destinations. If Spain is not on your wish list - find out more about our BN Holiday Advice Service, who can help you find that perfect getaway. The Sexual Offences Act 2003 could have wrecked our way of life if some had had their way. Fifteen years after the Act was introduced, Malcom Boura, a previous BN Campaigns Director, remembers the huge input he and others made to helping shape the provisions in the Act that helped keep Naturism safe. All this, plus the usual updates from our legal team, a roundup of all the best naked news in the media!
BN Magazine is available to members only and issued four times a year as part of the annual subscription. If you are not a member, you can join us and get your own copy and other benefits as well.
If you want to find articles that have appeared in other recent issues click the link for the On-line Magazine Index.
BN 214 Winter 2017
By Guest
Welcome to another fun and feature filled edition of BN Magazine, which will be dropping onto your doormats soon, and is available for download by members. It is packed full all the news and views from the world of British Naturism, the national organisation representing Naturists and Naturism in the UK. Of course, this is the issue where we look back and reflect upon a summer season well spent, but it's also an upbeat forward look to what promises to be another spectacular year in 2018.
In this issue then, you will find the following treats, and much more besides:
Naturism, as we know, is the perfect antidote to body image concerns. We're more used to hearing about the pressures on younger women - but what about men? We find out more. Women in Naturism - Pat tells us how she went from fearful outsider to passionate advocate Are you one of the many who would love to be more open about your Naturism, but isn't sure how to broach the subject? Our guide to talking about Naturism, along with an overview of our 'Just One Person' campaign, will help you to 'cross the line' and become a confident advocate of Naturism. Our usual event reports section looks back at some recent highlights - including the now well-established 'Streak for Tigers' event at London Zoo. Talking of events, we unveil the full events and group holidays programme for 2018 - and though we say so ourselves, it's looking good! A report on the BN Naturist Vision Day in Birmingham, where a number of inspiring presentations really helped us to think about Naturism from other perspectives. We report on the launch of Amelia Allen's fabulous book 'Naked Britain' - surely one of the finest portrayals of our way of life ever pubished. YBN - resurgent, reinvigorated and very much active! We catch up with them to find out what's going on. The Great British Skinny Dip - they came, they stripped, they dipped! But how did this year's event go, free of the ever present TV cameras that were with us last year? We find out, and also look at some possibilities for taking this flagship campaign forward. Holidays? Yes please! This issue we visit France to discover some new places - and some old favourites. All this, plus the usual updates from our legal and campaigns teams, a roundup of all the best naked news in the media!
BN Magazine is available to members only and issued four times a year as part of the annual subscription. If you are not a member, you can join us and get your own copy and other benefits as well.
If you want to find articles that have appeared in other recent issues click the link for the On-line Magazine Index.
BN 213 Autumn 2017
By Guest
BN 213 is now at the printers and will be despatched around the end of September. Prepare yourselves for a real treat - the issue is packed with the usual wide range of news, views and articles that show the vibrancy and fun of our world.
In this issue:
Catch up on a summer of fabulous events, including reports from Nudefest, The Gathering and the World Naked Bike Rides, among many others. Looking ahead, check out our great events calendar for the next few months, including our range of popular group holidays; Breaking down the barriers - we find out how two clubs have reached out to their local communities to raise their profiles and normalise Naturism; We review a range of books that the discerning Naturist reader may find relevant and interesting; How do we encourage the next generation of Naturists? We find out - and one young woman tells us her story of growing up as a Naturist. We also hear from the resurgent YBN and hear what they've been doing this summer; Our campaigns update brings you up to speed with our new 'Just One Person' initiative - who will you tell? Our legal update will give you a good overview of the law in regard to sunbathing in your garden; Our holiday and travel section takes us to Northern Europe, including the lovely Erding Spa in Munich, as well as the UK's very fine Clover Spa. Further afield we explore Lake Como Naturist Resort and also the delights of Western Australia and the beaches of New South Wales; All this, plus our usual round up of BN management matters and other Naturist news from around the world. BN Magazine is available to members only and issued four times a year as part of the annual subscription. If you are not a member, you can join us at and get your own copy and other benefits as well. We hope you enjoy it!
If you want to find articles that have appeared in other recent issues click the link for the On-line Magazine Index.
BN 212 Summer 2017
By Guest
The presses have stopped rolling, the envelopes are being stuffed - yes, your latest BN Magazine is here! BN 212 is the issue that really taps into the summer ahead of us, packed with features and fully illustrated to help you get the most from your Naturist summer.
So, what delights do we have to occupy in this issue? Our articles include:
”Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today”, an appeal to those contemplating taking their first faltering steps into Naturism; What do non-Naturists actually think of us? It's so rare to see anyone naked in public, is it any wonder that people reach for their phones to call the police?; Ever wanted to try naked hiking? The joys of enjoying the countryside free of clothing and a useful guide to beginners; they're back! Yes, Young British Naturists (YBN) are making a resurgence We explore the reviews, feedback and legacy from the Great British Skinny Dip documentary. What did it do for Naturism in the UK, and how do we build on it? Also, read about the experiences of two f the main participants. From Bournemouth to Blackpool, we review BN's now established winter breaks - those great new events that give us some 'kit off time' at a time of year when sunbathing is but a distant memory! Campaigns update - check out our new 'Just One Person' initiative and find out how doing just that could spread the word, gain newcomers, and increase acceptance. Events update - just look at the fabulous range of events coming up . From swims to garden visits - we've got it (un)covered! Are you missing out on key facts when choosing your Naturist Holiday? Our Holiday Advice Service is here to help, with its team of experts. Stuck for choice? In our Southern Europe section we review Valalta (Croatia), Ca’ le Scope and Grottamiranda (Italy), Vritomartis (Crete), and El Portus by train! Also, read reports about the recent group holidays. All of this, plus the usual round up of Naturist and BN news, and, in the first issue without club reports, some really full regional updates and our new enhanced club and swim directory.
If you want to find articles that have appeared in other recent issues click the link for the On-line Magazine Index.
BN211 Spring 2017
By Guest
Welcome to BN 211 - your full colour round up of all that makes Naturism special. In this edition:
Health and fitness - a special feature on those innovators who are moving Naturism in new and exciting directions by introducing new activities to our world, such as naked Yoga, running and exercise classes. Alton Towers? Don't mind if we do! Read all about the fantastic 10th BN weekend enjoying the wonderful facilities and atmosphere. We meet our new Families Officer, Ben Rose, and read about his exciting plans for the future of family Naturism. YBN - still fun of fun and growing! We catch up with our 18 to 30 year olds after a couple of low profile years. Women in Naturism - Fiona and Jane tell us of their experiences and journeys. Advice for the ‘Not really single’ guys too to persuade their girls to give it a go. Naturists on TV - find out how Sheryn and John coped with their TV debuts on the Great British Skinny Dip documentary - and the launch of #septembare for 2017 Micro-campaigning - no need to march on Downing St - tell Just One Person A report from the 35th International Naturist Federation Congress in New Zealand A profile of some of our Special Interest Groups An update on the important area of our campaigns - promoting and protecting Holidays - a whizz round several top quality Spanish resorts - we're feeling the rays already. Several more BN Members’ Holidays are announced too. All this and much, much more, including event listings, news and our very last 'club update' section. Enjoy!
If you want to find articles that have appeared in other recent issues click the link for the On-line Magazine Index.
BN210 Winter 2016
By Guest
The roar of the presses and the smell of ink can only mean one thing - yes, BN210 is out now! As ever it's a great read that captures all that makes Naturism special. From the smiling faces on the cover, right through to the back pages, it's packed full of news, reviews and articles of interest. Some of this issue's highlights (and there really are lots!) are:
Full reports from a summer of great events - we've got Nudefest, Bare all for Polar Bears and Party in the Stark, among several others. The Great British Skinny Dip - we've got an exciting round up of this major initiative. In another BN first, we presented at the British Psychological Society's annual symposium. Find out what this academic and professional audience thought! Regular columnist Roni describes the Naturist Scale - where are you on it? Three women tell us about their journey into Naturism. We find out why Naturism is great for helping with stress. Two couples tell us of their artistic escapades as part of Spencer Tunick's 'Sea of Hull' project. A campaigning up date - and why Naturists should be proud and reach out. Travel - we explore France - from big resorts to small independent sites. There's also news updates, club reports and much, much more!
BN209 Autumn 2016
By Guest
It's here! The latest issue of BN Magazine is packed full of features, reviews and experiences from the world of Naturism - and with a season like no other behind us, there is a huge amount to read! In this issue we have:
Thought provoking articles on what's it like being a child in Naturism; why are we not using the media properly to get rid of the 1960s attitudes; young Nina on working and living in the nude at Finca Natura and the recently launched 'Children Deserve Better' report. There’s reviews of recent events, including Nudestock, summer garden visits and our foray to Dunoon for 'The Gathering' and several others besides. We also review London's new famous naked restaurant, 'Bunyadi'. We present a ‘long haul’ travel special - we're off to Australia, Canada, South Africa and Florida, and a report from the BN Members’ group holiday to El Portús plus the announcement of even more trips for 2017. We launch our new website and bring you news updates, club reports and much, much more!
BN208 - Summer 2016
By Guest
BN208 is out now! As ever, it's a packed read, full of news, views and reviews, including:
• Updates on our ground-breaking Great British Skinny Dip weekend
Event reports from Blackpool, Bournemouth and the National Swimming Gala Great feature articles
• Details of forthcoming events from the packed 2016 calendar.
• Reports on the recent BN members' holidays to Gran Hotel Natura and Rotterdam
• A focus on southern Europe and UK holidays - including a new resort in southern Italy
• An update on our campaigning work, including BN's important new report on the welfare of children in the UK
Plus news updates, club reports and much, much more!
BN207 - Spring 2016
By Guest
As ever, BN 207 is a real treat, packed with news, reviews and updates from the Naturist world and richly illustrated with colour photographs. In this issue:
Catch up on recent events in our full reports from Alton Towers and the international swimming gala. Find out more about our flagship 'Women in Naturism' campaign and how you can help. The Great British Skinny Dip is happening this 'Septembare'! There's an update about how this event is shaping up and how you can help to make it a success - and find out more about the documentary that's being made! Top tips for guys who have a reluctant girl - find out how more about how to break down the barriers to participating in Naturism that many women experience. Roni Writes! This time about the confidence boosting properties of Naturism. Our usual campaign update - along with an announcement! The 2016 Big Days Out programme - what can you do this year? Also, details on our fantastic programme of members' group holidays. The BN holiday advice service - how can you make use of it? Our regular holiday focus - Spain. We bring you reports from Torredembarra Beach, El Portus and Formentera, along with how one couple found a neat way of touring!
BN206 - Winter 2015
By Guest
The winter issue of BN Magazine is now out! It’s free to members. As always, it's a great read and is full of news and views from the world of Naturism. In this issue:
The Great British Skinny Dip Event reports, including Nudefest and 'Bare All for Polar Bears'. Big Days Out in 2016 as it stands at present A new photographic project about Naturism by fashion photographer Amelia Allen Campaigning update Travel, including France, the Czech Republic, Thailand, Austria and a unique event in the Middle East! And much more…
BN205 - Autumn 2015
By Guest
BN205, the Autumn 2015 edition of our magazine, is packed full of news, views and features from the fabulous world of Naturism. With event reports, articles, holiday information, along with a comprehensive guide to clubs, swims and events, it is a great read, from cover to cover.
In this issue, we have a full report from our recent highly successful 'Women in Naturism' weekend, along with one couple's experience of telling their friends about their Naturism. Regular columnist Roni also offers advice for newcomers on how to get started in your Naturist life.
From the Netherlands, through to Sweden, Germany and Denmark, our Northern Europe travel section is packed with great ideas for your next Naturist vacation. We're also going long-haul, with holidays in Arizona and New Zealand. Meanwhile, closer to home, we have a selection of event reports, including 'The Gathering' in Dunoon and the Torquay weekend, among many others. We also have details of forthcoming events, including two more BN Members' holidays.
As if all this wasn't enough, there are also updates on our campaigning work, along with information about the forthcoming Great British Skinny Dip, our BN Special Interest Groups and much, much more...
BN203 - Spring 2015
By Guest
Our first issue of 2015 is, as ever, jam packed with great articles from the world of Naturism. You’ll find information – and brilliant articles - on our promotional initiatives including the very special ‘Women in Naturism’ project, our professionally created academic health and wellbeing survey, and the return of the Great British Skinny Dip.
Holidays this time focuses on Spain and her islands, with a wide range of places and locations being reported on, with plenty of great pictures. There’s the usual thought-provoking round up of our Campaigning work and a special article on our work on nudity and children. We introduce our new Official Photography team and list ALL the Big Days Out – fabulous events all around the country that you can enjoy. There’s a pictorial reminder of the fun we had at Alton Towers last year plus a lively letters page and comprehensive listings of clubs, swims, events, contacts – in fact, everything you need!
Oh, and if you’re a club member, fancy winning a year’s supply of wine?
BN202 - Winter 2014
By Guest
BN202 is now out and is another packed full-colour, fully illustrated, 80 page issue – issued free to members.
BN201 - Autumn 2014
By Guest
After the euphoria of our 50th Anniversary issue, the magazine that starts our second 50 years is now out!
BN201 is full of good stuff about Naturism in the UK and beyond.
We feature long haul holidays – to North and Central America, and the Caribbean to name a few, plus reports on hiking in Germany and the BN Members’ Holiday to El Portús.
There is a round-up of many of the great Naturist events that have already taken place this summer and the story of how BN overturned the ‘ban’ on Naturism at Holkham beach.
We also open the can of worms that is the ‘Single Man’ issue and look at what it’s really about…
plus news on BN’s activities, listings, news stories from around the world, readers’ letters and more.
BN200 - Summer 2014
By Guest
The latest issue of BN magazine is now out.
In celebration of our 50th anniversary, BN200, the summer 2014 issue of our quarterly magazine is a ‘souvenir’ edition with a special cover and a big section dedicated to the anniversary, which includes a timeline of our history. We’re trialling some new layouts and have completely refreshed and revised the listings section to make it easier to find events, clubs and contacts.
In addition, there’s a great feature interview with Ruth Rogers from body image champions Body Gossip, articles from two first time YBNers, travel features and an illustrated report of the BN Blackpool weekend, plus the usual volume of news, updates and information.
There are comprehensive listings of clubs, swims and a huge number of events, plus readers’ letters, BN management updates and much more.
Corrections and additions
P81. Western Swimming Club at Chepstow swims are every Friday, not just the 1st Friday of each month.
Open days at Ridgewood - Sunday June the 8th & 29th.
BN199 - Spring 2014
By Guest
The latest issue of BN magazine is now out.
There is a full report on last year’s Alton Towers event, the story of our own ‘naked cyclist’ and the positive press he received, features on Naturist swims and “Meet & Greet” gatherings, an update on our Campaigning work and a relaunch - with a new team - of YBN, our group for under 30s. We focus on Spain and Spanish islands in our dedicated travel and holiday feature and squeeze in France and Greece too!
There are comprehensive listings of clubs, swims and a huge number of events, plus readers’ letters, BN management updates and much more.