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Pool, Spa and Sauna Weekend @ Liverpool Sun & Air Society


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North West


Come along and enjoy our facilities from 11am each day, with a supper served each evening.

 FRIDAY 16TH AUGUST 7pm - Meat & Potato Pie, served with chips and a beef gravy. Sponge pudding & Custard.

SATURDAY 17 TH AUGUST 7pm - Succulent Beef Burger served with Potato Wedges Soft Serve Ice Cream.

Price £20.00 non-members - £10.00 members per day

Email - bookings@lsas.org.uk Tel : 07564 336332

Please pay when booking using the following Bacs details - LSAS S/C 40-24-40 — Acc 11117823 — Ref: SPA

All events are open to both members and non-members

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