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Helmsley Open Air Pool GBSD


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Yorkshire and East Midlands


Helmsley Open Air Pool GBSD

GBSD events are focused on encouraging people to try naturism, by skinny dipping, whilst fundraising for the British Heart Foundation. A donation to BHF is included in the cost of tickets.
Helmsley Open Air Pool is at the back of town, up behind the church, some 500yds. There is parking, There are w/c’s, basic showers and there will be modest refreshments available, but I would suggest bringing something with you as well.
This event is not ticketed via this website. Pre booking is essential by emailing southyorkshirenaturists@gmail.com and a £15.00 non refundable pre payment via PayPal  (which includes a donation to BHF) will be necessary
There will be no walk in on the night.
If you let me know you are interested - southyorkshirenaturists@gmail.com - I will send you details for payment. Once I have received payment you will be on the list.
I am hoping to set up a fundraising page, direct to BHF, for anyone interested in getting sponsored.
Any questions please let me know

Name of organiser: John Oliver - South Yorkshire Naturists

Website/Facebook event link:

Contact email: southyorkshirenaturists@gmail.com

Contact telephone:

Cost: £15 - includes donation to BHF.


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