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Naturist visit to Bexhill museum

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London and South East (LASER)

Bexhill Museum is an independent Arts Council accredited museum  and is operated daily almost entirely by volunteers. Our emphasis is on education through displays and exhibitions in the gallery and by outreach work in the community.

It is home to a variety of objects of natural history, geology and archaeology, costume, celebration of Bexhill's history as the first place automobile racing took place and home of the Elva racing car and  Eddie Izard's (Patron) 1940's N gauge model railway. Learn the history of the modernist De La Warr pavilion (1935) and the strange tale of the town’s finishing school for daughters of the Nazi elite - the Augusta Victoria College.

Please contact philip.baker@bn.org.uk if you are interested to join East Sussex Naturists in this naturist first. Limited places.

Further details will be posted after I visit on 23rd May. Price likely to be about £7.


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