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LASER Regional Meeting

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London and South East (LASER)

meetingicon.jpeg.2601b576deb85d1e8991bb9286258d87.jpegThis meeting is open to all BN members in the London and South East Region. It will be held online via Zoom

A chance to meet and discuss what's been happening and what is planned for events in our region. Get an update on the regional team and vacancies open for volunteers to apply for to support activities in the area. This is your opportunity to influence the direction and activities of the team and what to plan for the future.

To register for the meeting please complete the registration form here: https://forms.office.com/r/TWGPqwfNfu . Joining instructions will be emailed to you nearer the time.

We look forward to seeing as many of our members and clubs there as possible.

The Regional Team

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