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Petersfield Pool Bank Holiday Weekend Skinny Dip


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London and South East (LASER)

Following the success of our skinny dip in June we are back with another chance to visit the Petersfield Pool for a swim - this time with a BBQ! Whether you’re a seasoned skinny dipper or a nudie-newbie, we invite you to experience the freedom of swimming without trunks and bikinis this Late Summer Bank Holiday weekend.

The recently refurbished heated pool at Petersfield (Hampshire) has a café, is adjacent to a large public car park, and only a short walk from the train station. The Pool is providing a BBQ this time with burgers on sale at £5.00

We sold out last time with 80 tickets sold, many in the last week. We can't guarantee the fantastic weather we had last time, after all it is a Bank Holiday weekend(!) but don't wait until the last minute to guarantee your place.

Tickets will be on sale via the BN shop here.

This swim forms part of the Great British Skinny Dip series of swims run by British Naturism and is open to members and non-members. There is also an opportunity to donate to the British Heart Foundation, our charity partner when purchasing tickets.


  • BN Member (swim only) £9
  • BN Member (swim plus £2 BHF donation) £11
  • Non-BN Member (swim only) £12
  • No-BN Member (swim plus £2 BHF donation) £14

The Great British Skinny Dip supports the nation's largest heart charity, the British Heart Foundation and would like to encourage participants to raise vital funds to power the nation’s heartbeats.

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