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High Beeches Garden


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London and South East (LASER)

A hidden gem in the High Weald of Sussex, High Beeches is a botanical treasure trove planted with many rare trees and shrubs.

There is much to see at every season: In spring the magnolias and camellias are under planted with swathes of daffodils and the woodland glades and vistas are,in early summer, carpeted with bluebells and filled with the colour and fragrance of the many rhododendrons and azaleas.

In June the ancient natural acid wildflower meadow is a spectacular sight and in August the willow gentians flourish here, the only garden in the country where they are naturalized. Autumn brings a glorious display of colour provided by the many nyssas, liquidambers and maples.

This is the first of three visits scheduled for this year. It is open to all naturists, not just BN members. It is ideal for anyone new to naturism.

Admission charge is  £8.50. (Contactless preferred). Ice creams and soft drinks available. No booking - just turn up.  Further information from 07486 424068.  Visit  https://www.highbeeches.com/

High Beeches Lane, Handcross, West Sussex. RH17 6HQ

Photos copyright Malcolm Beakhust & High BeechesNudes@HighBeeches.jpg.3805b67ad48710aaf691ae3fca023b56.jpg351691753_HighBeeches1.jpg.9b5abadca4c3232f252c0ef33a054b6e.jpg59825036_HighBeeches2.jpg.0f5972c664882728c30d6f2901ca9b71.jpg).





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