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Events happening today

  1. 13

    Sun 07 Apr 2024 13:45      14:45

    Please join us at our Sunday afternoon swim, 14.45-15.45.
    This event is organised by East Sussex Naturists, a BN club which hosts various indoor and outdoor events throughout the year at which visitors are most welcome. There is an accessible route to poolside and a pool-lift is available.
    Our events are for members and invited visitors and initially you will be given temporary membership (£1) for which a few details are required and photo-id must be shown to confirm your address. This ensures that events attract only naturists. We are a member club of British Naturism so please let us know your BN membership number if you are a BN member. Swim price is £8 per person. See our website https://eastsussexnaturists.com or call the Secretary on 07486 424068.
    Seaford Head Pool, Sutton Avenue, Seaford, East Sussex BN25 4LX

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    London and South East (LASER) 0 Comments · 0 Reviews
  2. 15

    Sun 07 Apr 2024 15:30      18:00

    Naturist swim at Haddington in the Aubigny Centre, featuring:
    25m swimming pool Children's pool Sauna Steam room Sports hall for Volleyball and Badminton Tea, coffee, snacks & cool drinks available. Contact the secretary if you are a new attendee.  

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    Scotland and North East (SANER) 0 Comments · 0 Reviews
  3. 16

    Sun 16 Feb 2025 16:00      18:00

    This event began 07/01/18 and repeats every week on Sunday forever

    Owing to ongoing problems with the pool and the termination, by Everlast Gyms, of our contract we find ourselves without a venue. We will amend these details as and when we have an alternative venue
    Website: https://noahsark.jimdofree.com/

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    London and South East (LASER) 3 Comments · 0 Reviews

    Sun 07 Apr 2024 16:15      17:30

    Join us for an evening swim in an indoor heated pool in Kingsteignton,  (what3words  ///sobered.trespass.supposed) for full details see www.torbaycunclub.net 

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    South West 0 Comments · 0 Reviews
  4. 17

    Sun 07 Apr 2024 17:00      20:15

    The Sunday Swim, Glasgow
    Scotland’s weekly naked swim, Turkish, sauna & yoga.
    The only naked swim in the world with travelling rings and trapeze over the pool
    The Sunday Swim offers mixed naturist use of a 21m pool, Turkish suite, steam room, saunas and relaxation areas in a friendly, welcoming environment.
    We have 50-60 people coming to the swim each Sunday.
    Entry is by pre-booked ticket only. No 'drop-ins'.
    If you would like to join the swim, please enter your details at https://membermojo.co.uk/thesundayswim You'll receive an automated email reply asking you to contact us to arrange a date for your first visit (slots are usually available immediately).
    One-off visits are welcome, for example if you're on holiday, but we ask you to complete your details as above. After your visit, we'll delete your details from our system.
    When & where?
    Sundays 6.00pm to 9.15pm.  If in doubt, phone before travelling.
    Arlington Baths Club, 61 Arlington Street, Glasgow, G3 6DT
    0141 332 6021
    Walk: Arlington Street off Woodlands Road is located in the Woodlands area of Glasgow, between St George's Cross, Charing Cross and The University of Glasgow.
    Subway: The baths are a short walk from St George's Cross subway station. The Subway closes at 6.10pm on Sundays, so you would need to plan an alternative for your return journey.
    Cycle: The nearest Nextbike stations are at St George's Cross and University of Glasgow (East). There is cycle parking opposite the Arlington Baths Club (Sheffield-type stands). You can also lock your bike to the railings at the baths.
    Bus: First Group 4/4A, 6/6A.
    4/4A - alight in Woodlands Rd and walk along Arlington St.
    6/6A -alight at St George's Cross and cut through Melrose St - Queen's Crescent - Ashley St - Arlington St.
    Car: There is metered parking adjacent to the baths. A new charge schedule was introduced in September 2022. You can also use the RingGo app to pay for parking. Alternatively, free parking on Sundays in Woodlands Rd, Park Ave & Park Drive which are a five minute walk away.
    Please note that delays are expected on the M8 approach to Charing Cross for the next four years while remedial repairs are made to the Woodside flyover.
    View Openstreetmap here.
    How much does it cost?
    The entry price is £10 for adults over 25 years old, £7 for 18-25 and students over 18 (evidence of status required) by PayPal through your membermojo account. If it's your first visit, pay by mobile phone pay (preferred) or cash on arrival.
    Towel & sauna sheet hire is included. The Sunday Swim is free to Arlington Baths Club members.
    The lockers take 20p & £1 coins. There are also lockers for small valuables in the poolside office which don't require coins.
    Who can attend?
    Members of The Sunday Swim.
    Members of Arlington Baths Club can attend free.
    Visitors, guests and newcomers to the swim are welcome, but must contact us in advance and complete your details as above. Please bring photo ID and proof of address eg passport & utility bill; a photo-driving licence covers both.
    At your first visit, you will need to complete a Physical Activity Questionnaire for The Arlington Baths Club, which will be retained by them, and show your ID. We'll give you a tour of the building and explain what to expect. After that, you're free to enjoy your evening.
    If you plan to return for future swims, let us know on the night, or via email and we'll activate your membermojo account. This triggers an automated email inviting you to complete your application and pay your annual subscription. Once you've done that, you can purchase swim tickets which go on-sale on membermojo each Thursday evening at 7pm for that Sunday's swim.
    Do I need to be naked?
    There is an expectation that you will be nude when swimming. You can wear a towel in the other facilities, but again most people don’t. Towels/sheets must be worn when walking in corridors, the public rooms downstairs and upstairs.
    What's the etiquette?
    Shower before entering the pool and after using the hot rooms / sauna.
    Towels are provided for drying and sitting/lying on.
    To preserve others' privacy, phones and photography are not allowed.
    Tea, coffee & biscuits are available in the upstairs lounge—complimentary, but donations always welcome. Members meet there for a blether and to catch up on the latest news.
    The building is locked at 9.30pm, so please leave by 9.15pm.
    What other facilities are available?
    Clothed use of the gym (you'll need to arrange an induction first with the pool staff).
    Naked Yoga – weekly classes (these can be booked at the same time as your swim ticket for an additional £5.50).
    For more information:
    Website: The Sunday Swim

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    Scotland and North East (SANER) 0 Comments · 0 Reviews

    Sun 07 Apr 2024 17:30      19:00

    Withington Pool GBSD with Sauna.
    Sunday 7th April 18.30 to 20.00. 
    Tickets @£10pp can be purchased via the BN Shop
    This is a  BHF Fundraising event - you can also donate on the night.
    Burton Road, Withington, Manchester. M20 3EB.
    Mailto: northwestrep@bn.org.uk - Mobile: 07761875675.
    This event is for Over 18s only

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    North West 1 Comment · 1 Review
  5. 19

    Sun 07 Apr 2024 19:30

    The Dover Swim is back !!
    The first swim will take place at 8:30pm at the new Dover Leisure Centre, Fitness Fields, Whitfield, Dover CT16 3FZ.  Please arrive between 8:00 - 8:15pm as you will be able to enter as soon as the changing rooms are clear.  
    Members will have the full use of the facilities including the pool, sauna and steam room. The swim is open to all on production a means of identification eg British Naturism membership card, driving licence etc.
    The cost is £7 per person plus a £5 per annum club membership fee.  Tickets can be purchased on the door.
    If you are within traveling distance of Dover, and would like to come along, please contact the organiser Rod Baker doverswim@hotmail.com; 07772 086757 if you would like to ask any questions
    Facilities: Swimming Pool, Sauna, Steam Room
    What3Words: ///analogy.rigid.apple

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    London and South East (LASER) 0 Comments · 0 Reviews
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