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  • Women in Focus - Helen hears from Viv Rimmer

    side.png.395d1c259213ca1f22a209e8d69e2d02.pngViv Rimmer lives in Reading and volunteers for BN as their LASER regional organiser, which involves being responsible for promoting naturism in the London and SE England area.

    Q: What got you into naturism/nudism?
    A: Like a lot of people I first tried naturism on holiday. I was walking with a group on a very hot fortnight in Southern Spain, and one day we came down off the mountains to a small beach. I was desperate to cool off in the sea but had no costume with me. Then I saw the sign ‘Playa Naturista’ (naturist beach) with an arrow. Three of us went off to skinny dip while the rest headed for a bar. And I was hooked from then on.

    Q: Is there a difference between the two labels?
    A: For me ‘naturism’ feels gentler and emphasises the connection I can feel with my environment and the natural world without clothes. I enjoy walking in bare feet, feeling the breeze, sun and rain on my skin, and being able to experience this directly without my clothing ‘getting in the way’.
    Nudism sounds – well – rather stark and in your face by comparison.

    Q: How does it impact your life on a day-to-day basis? (Maybe describe roles/business)
    A: Apart from my volunteering role (which is mostly done on the computer, apart from some enjoyable occasional visits to clubs and venues), I am generally an outdoors naturist. I’m lucky to have a fairly large and secluded garden, and belong to a club which has grounds, sports facilities, and an outdoor hot tub. I also enjoy naturist rambling with a couple of clubs, and skinny dipping/wild swimming. Getting out in the sun with my kit off is one of life’s great pleasures and it always lifts my mood.

    Q: What challenges do women face in naturism generally?
    A: The two main issues I hear about are the greater number of males at most naturist events, and body-image sensitivity among women.

    Q: How can we encourage more women to try it?
    A: Good publicity such as there is on the BN website and magazine, showing naturist women (of all shapes and sizes) enjoying themselves. We could put on more women-only events, and clothes-optional events (so that people can attend with their partner without pressure to be nude). A buddy system so that nervous or first-time female visitors to an event can be accompanied and supported by another woman, and can talk over any concerns beforehand. From what I’ve heard many women who actually get round to trying naturism realise their doubts were unfounded and they find it enjoyable!

    Q: How can women help in desexualising nudity and what can men do?
    A: These are difficult issues as they are so deeply engrained in our society, and from childhood we are shown that our bodies and sexuality should (and should not) be approached and viewed in certain ways. Perhaps the best way is raising children in households and safe naturist communities where nudity is acceptable, non-sexual and normal. For adults, we have to somehow learn to disentangle the messages we have internalised, recognise them and then choose how we want to be for ourselves. This would apply to both men and women.
    In my experience (and others I have listened to) naturist environments do not have a sexual ‘vibe’ and a sexualising attitude is more likely to be found among non-naturists.

    Q: How can we encourage body positivity and acceptance?
    A: As mentioned above, good publicity including pictures of people of all shapes, sizes and other characteristics! Mixing with other naturists in a social environment can be affirming and healing as generally no-one bothers what you look like! The difficult bit is taking the plunge and baring all.

    Q: What advice would you offer to women curious about naturism?
    A: Try it. Go on, it’s great!

    Q: What drives your passion in promoting naturism?
    A: I’ve got so much from naturism that I want to give something back to the community.

    Q: Any other thoughts?
    A: Like I say, just try it!


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