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  • Women in Focus - Helen hears from Jooles Pallin Dean

    side.jpg.86a679a32f665495303b7c715957663f.jpgJooles is a vibrant & passionate woman dedicated to embracing the naturist lifestyle. At 42 years of age, Jooles resides in a small marina in a village by the banks of the river Soar near Nottingham. She has to live by water! Jooles wears many hats, mum to 2 children, 13 and 9, naked fitness instructor for BN, AirBnB host, and project manager for her ocean rowing campaign.

    Q: What got you into naturism/nudism?
    A: My best friends Jenny and Mark Bass (President of BN), and close friend since our teenage years, tried to get me to go to Alton Towers for years but I just couldn't with my business at that time of year. I got promoted and suddenly I could make it in 2019, so I went to Peterborough Lido as a warm up event eventually making it to the Alton Towers event.  I was on the front cover of the BN magazine that year too - making a big entrance into the world of naturism!

    Q: Is there a difference between the two labels?
    A: For me its just language used in different countries. I prefer the word naturism but if speaking to an American I’d use nudist.

    Q: How does it impact your life on a day-to-day basis?
    A: I teach 5 naked classes a week so I'm prepping and learning new routines. I have also launched the on demand classes & routines online via Patreon to support our Ocean Row Project, so recording naked videos, editing & posting takes quite a bit of time.  We are also quite active on our @TwoNaturists and @SkyCladAerobics Twitter/X accounts so producing & creating content is always in the backs of our minds.

    Q: What challenges do women face in naturism generally?
    A: Having two sets of 'bits' that are normally covered up. Nipples are such a problem it seems. It shouldn’t be.  Being letched over is never nice and rude comments about pubic hair or my wobbly pregnancy belly is never OK.

    Q: How can we encourage more women to try it?
    A: First things first, let's promote body positivity, body freedom however you visualise it. Encouraging women to embrace and love their bodies is key. Feeling comfortable in your own skin is what naturism is all about!  Having women share their personal stories and experiences like this is fantastic.  It's super important to recognise everyone's journey to naturism is unique, so let's respect their choices and personal boundaries. Some women might prefer to dip their toes in gradually, while others might be ready to cannonball into the naturist lifestyle right away. Either way, let's cheer them on and celebrate the beauty of embracing nature while being our authentic selves!

    Q: How can women help in desexualising nudity?
    A: It’s a collective effort and women’s voices and actions are crucial to creating a more accepting body positive world for everyone.

    1. Normalising Nudity
    2. Education & Awareness
    3. Positive Self Image
    4. Advocacy - Advocate changes in society, challenging objectification
    5. Media Representation

    I can’t say I’m comfortable doing all of these myself yet but I’m sure I will in time.

    Q: What can men do to help in desexualising nudity?

    1. Educate themselves about naturism and the difference between nudity and sex
    2. Challenge stereotypes then can challenge societal stereotypes and expectations surrounding nudity & the male gaze. Respect and consent is also important
    3. Promoting body freedom, support & uplift body positive message & initiatives.
    4. Be allies. Create safe & non judgemental spaces for non sexual nudity.
    5. Engage in open conversations.

    Q: How can we encourage body positivity and acceptance?

    1. Challenge beauty standards
    2. Educate yourself and others about the harmful effects of body shaming and negative body image
    3. Practice self compassion and self acceptance. It’s normal to have insecurities but they don’t define your worth. Embrace your body as it is and focus on its strengths rather than its perceived flaws.
    4. Challenge negative self talk
    5. Emphasise health over appearance
    6. Create inclusive spaces
    7. Support body positive movements
    8. Lead by example.

    Q: What advice would you offer to women curious about naturism?
    A: Try a skinny dip first either at an organised event or with someone. Try getting naked in front a full length mirror and look past the external body and really see the person inside that everyone is going to love, laugh with and respect.

    Q: What drives your passion in promoting naturism?
    A: The friendships, the community, the amazing events, the feeling of being naked outside or in a group setting is liberating, incredible, glorious. Just heaven (as long as it’s warm enough, otherwise it's dryrobe time).

    Q: Is your family supportive?
    A: Those that know are on my side yes. My dad doesn’t know, at least I don’t think he knows. My step-dad found out last month as he googled festivals in Somerset and the dates of Nudefest. He was surprisingly cool about it and asking good questions.

    Q: Has naturism changed since you first got involved?
    A: Yes, there is a lot more focus on the Women in Naturism campaign, Safe spaces initiative at BN events has been launched and Naked fitness is totally new.

    Q: Any other thoughts?
    A: My husband and I are planning an ocean row for 2025.  It is scary, it’s hard, it's exciting and knowing that I’m already inspiring folk to follow their dreams, whether its couch-to-5k, row an ocean, cycle round Britain or something else, it’s a great feeling knowing how I live my life is having a positive influence everywhere.


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