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  • Women in Naturism Current Campaign

  •   Women In Focus

    Women answer important questions about their lives, naturism and what it took for them to enjoy the naturist lifestyle.

  • Half Moon Cay.jpgNaturism means something different for everyone. For me it’s about freeing myself from body dysmorphia and from the social conditioning of what nudity means. For others, it’s about friendship and community or wellbeing and philosophy. Whatever it means to you, people will always agree that Naturism has been positive for them.

    It is said that once women have tried Naturism for the first time, they become very passionate about it. It’s true; I and many other women are examples of this. However it’s not so easy for some women to give it a go. Society, fashion, media and beauty standards have done a good number on us. The female form has been sexualised; we have been taught to compare ourselves to what is being shown in the media and fashion. 
    Beating ourselves up for not meeting those standards. But those standards are not real.

    What you see in the glossy mags and on social media are not real - the truth is, everyday women like you and me are the real women. And we need to celebrate this.

    For the women who have already discovered Naturism, we already know how liberating it is. So join me in telling other women so they too can free themselves from body hang-ups and fear, and make lasting friendships. 
    I'm looking to expand the team of women willing to support and contribute to the Women in Naturism campaign. To grow and develop our community, to make a safe place for women to celebrate their true selves. Together, we can make a difference.


    How can you help?


    Women talking to women is best. If you are already a Woman in Naturism please consider getting in touch (helen.berriman@bn.org.uk) and becoming part of the network.

    We’d also love to hear your story - please think about writing it down and sending it in.

    Next time you go to a Naturist gathering, take a friend!

    Take A Friend

    What Naturist events, gatherings and activities are you looking forward to this year? Every one of them presents a great opportunity to introduce a friend. It’s easy to assume that no-one you know would be interested, but you don’t know until you ask! My experience and that of many people I talk to is how surprised they were by how many of their social circle were up for it. So, let’s get bold and take practical steps to make it happen. Think of someone - friend, a relative, a neighbour, a work-colleague - that you could suggest taking along - an afternoon at your club, an evening at a swim, a BN weekend event, a naked dining evening or any one of the many events and activities there are for super social nudity these days.  Don’t forget that the Great British Skinny Dip is now a year-long event - plenty of opportunities around the country to get newcomers involved.

    Why not think of hosting a small gathering yourself - if you have the facilities to invite a couple of seasoned Naturists who could then bring a friend with them, sometimes the smaller groups are less daunting to first-timers.

    The Women in Naturism flyers are available free of charge from the online shop - please order some and take them to events and swims - continue spreading the word!

    Guys! We’re not excluding you! In fact, male or female, it doesn’t matter…let’s all think of the person we’re going to take along - and change their life forever…

    I’m not really single, honest!

    Here’s a kind of crib sheet for all those guys we regularly see at events, in clubs and on the forum who have a wife/partner/girlfriend/fiancée who finds it a challenge to share their interest in Naturism - or  perhaps just needs a little persuasion. Perhaps some of you have a woman you’d like in your life but are nervous about bringing up the Naturist subject for fear of putting her off…if you are in that situation, you know the issues.

    You’ve probably thought of all this, but…

    • Make sure she knows that stripping off on the first occasion is not required.  Clubs will let newcomers settle in, attune to the surroundings and get comfortable.  In fact, it’s quite common at big events for some men to be accompanied by their clothed wives who join in everything except the nudity - they love the atmosphere and the people and spending time with their man.
    • Some swim clubs run swimsuit sessions where the uninitiated are encouraged to come and find out more without having to join in.
    • Take her to a clothes-optional event, perhaps in an attractive garden that makes for a good day out.
    • Tell her that at none of the BN events is anyone forced to undress.
    • Try a Naturist Meet & Greet group, often held in a pub where she can get to know people in a clothed environment.
    • If you are a club member, ask one of the existing female members if she would be a ‘buddy’ for her, talk to her in advance and be available on her first visit.
    • Make her aware that it’s not about ‘body beautiful’, Naturists come in all shapes and sizes but we all feel good with our clothes off.
    • …and don’t give up hope.  There are plenty of stories of women finally deciding to give it a go - and having a great time.
    • Finally, encourage her to read this page and follow the links online.
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