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Naked Southampton Skinny Dip at the Oaklands Pool


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London and South East (LASER)

Naked Southampton and BN's London South East Region (LASER) have arranged a Skinny Dip at the Oaklands Swimming Pool at Southampton, from 6.30pm - 8pm on Saturday 19th October.

The cost is £5 at the door. Under 18's, who must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, can come in for £1, and so can full time students showing a Students Union Card. The event is open to all, but please remember to bring a photo ID, such as your driving license, BN membership card, or other suitable i.d.

Please note that the postcode for the pool is SO16 8LX. Some people have found that their Sat Navs do not recognize this, however the pool is in Cromaty Road, and that is, apparently does work.

Should you have any queries please email headoffice@bn.org.uk or call 01604 620361.

John Rodgers

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