Nudefest 2017

Event created by Guest
Event details
After last year’s resounding success Nudefest 2017 will again be held at Thorney Lakes, Langport Somerton (TA10 0DW) from Monday 3rd July until Monday 10th July. The site consists of a glorious rural working farm with over 4 acres of lakes which is home to an abundance of wildlife.
The festival will be clothes free from 1700hrs on the Monday during which early birds can arrive prior to the official opening of Nudefest at 1500hrs on Tuesday. This means you can enjoy the experience of 24hr nudity across the entire site for a whole week.
BN Members can join the discussion here: http://www.bn.org.uk/community/forums/topic/15313-nudefest-2017/. Further information is available from the BN office on 01604 620361 or from headoffice@bn.org.uk.
- Overnight camping from Tuesday 4th until Monday 10th costs £20 per person per night (pppn) for BN and INF members and £25pppn for non-members.
- Early arrivals can book the preceding Saturday 1st to Monday 3rd for £15pppn for BN and INF members and £20pppn for non-members. Please note that only the Rally field will be available on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd, with the remaining camping fields opening on Monday 3rd.
- A limited number of electrical hookups are available within the Village and Quiet areas at a cost of £2 per pitch per night - please make sure that you select this option if required at the time of booking.
- Day visitor tickets for Tuesday 4th until Sunday 9th cost £15 per person for BN and INF members and £20 per person for non-members.
- Tickets for overnight camping are available here: Nudefest Camping Tickets
- Tickets for day visits are available here: Day Tickets
- For overnight camping the earliest check in is 10.00am. Latest check in is 8.00pm. We kindly ask that you check out by 10.00am.
- For day visitors the earliest arrival is 10am and you must leave the site at the close of the day's activities or midnight, whichever is the latest.
- Pets are allowed. Dogs must kept on a lead and are not allowed in any food areas or inside any of the events tents or marquees (except guide/assistance dogs).
- Smoking is not permitted in or around the any of the events tents or marquees.
- Children under the age of 14 can attend free of charge the accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- British Naturism reserves the right to refuse admission - without refund - to anyone who does not adhere to our normal code of conduct for attendance at Naturist events.
- You must provide the full names of all attendees (including any children) when booking. Photo-id and proof of membership, if applicable, will be required on arrival.
Further Information
If you didn’t come to Nudefest last year the site consists of two main camping areas and acres of open space, so if you wish to pitch your tent or caravan with friends we have plenty of room. British Naturism hires in extra luxury toilets and showers to complement the existing ones and we then work hard to create a festival feeling with a huge main marquee plus several smaller ones clustered around this to form an L shaped sheltered sun trap, and provide craft, massage, catering and shop areas. Last year people said how this created a friendly village like atmosphere which encouraged a community spirit and helped people perhaps new to naturism relax and make new friends.
The main marquee will house a well-stocked bar selling locally produced ales and cider manned by Tim and his friendly professional team of helpers. Attached to this will be a smaller quieter 'lounge' area with free daily papers to read. Next to the main marquee will be Jess and her staff from River Parrett Café who will be providing the catering throughout the event, supplying everything from bacon butties to a full evening meal.
The programme will roughly consist of (subject to change): Monday a quiet day, book in, set up and catch up with friends but no catering will be available. Tuesday the festival officially opens at 1500hrs with introductions, a tea party with free tea, scones and cream and live music from Mary Bateman. In the evening will be a lively quiz followed by the group More than One singing a mix of songs to really open the festival. On Wednesday we will booked a naturist visit to the Somerset Cider and Brandy Company followed by horse racing and karaoke in the evening. On Thursday people can visit Brandon Farm Gardens and listen to viola music on the lawns and in the evening we have a German beer night – yep a return of Baron von Schmidt Haus. Friday is a war time sing along with later in the day a forties themed singer Miss Annie followed by the resident DJ – Theresa playing a mix of modern dance music. Saturday will open with a 5K/10K charity run followed by dog racing, and later the traditional talent night and disco. Sunday will consist of a quiz followed by a final dance with live music.
For those who want to be entertained even more during the day, there will be a whole host of fun activities. Last year we had nearly 80 sessions running across the week and some of the popular ones will be back - drum workshop, archery, fitness sessions, painting, willow making, yoga & fishing contest to name just a few, others will be new and that’s what the team are currently working on at the moment.
A quick note if you're coming from abroad please remember to quote your INF number when booking to get a discounted rate and for details and help with travel arrangements and accommodation please contact myself the Organiser for details of flights into Bristol International Airport and connecting Falcon Bus times – Nudefest is only 67km from the Airport and well worth the journey!
So keep an eye on the BN website forum and editions of BN's monthly news plus the BN Magazine for regular updates and booking details - but get the date in your diary now and book up for Nudefest ‘s tenth birthday, it’s going to great, I might even bake a cake….
Nigel Pinkstone
Nudefest Organiser